
 KUMITE: Jiyu Ippon Kumite (free style one-step kumite)

  • 1 Yodan
  • 1 Chudan
  • 1 Mae geri
  • 1 Mawashi geri
  • 1 Yoko kekomi geri
  • 1 Ura Mawashi geri
  • 1 Ushiro geri

NE-WAZA (Ground Techniques)

  • 9 seated, 9 standing, 9 ground techniques

KATA (Any of the Katas below)

  • Enpi (flying swallow) image link
    The quick up and down movements of this kata are reminiscent of a fling swallow. Enpi is one of the oldest kata in Shotokan. Its former name was Wanshu.
  • Jion (love and goodness) image link
    Jion is a term in Buddhism. It is also the name of a temple in China. It uses basic stances and techniques. It is one of the most traditional kata in Shotokan.

BUNKAI: Analisis of the Kata

  • 9 Applications of the Kata


  • Light sparring:  2 rounds of 3 minutes 

Physical Conditioning: 

  • 2 sets of 20 pushups • 2 sets of 50 sit-ups • 2 sets of 30 burpees 


The evaluation will be performed in a competition setting in which the student’s performance will be evaluated by an instructor.

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(734) 447-3000 main
(734) 365-6925 call/text 

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Encouraging phrases

  • "Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle."
  • "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Keep moving forward."
  • "Train hard, fight easy. Your dedication and effort will bring success."
  • "A black belt is a white belt who never quit. Stay persistent and determined."
  • "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."
  • "Every champion was once a contender who refused to give up. Keep pushing your limits."
  • "In karate, the spirit and the mind are just as important as the body. Cultivate all three."
  • "Pain is temporary, but the pride of achieving your goals lasts forever."
  • "The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle. Give it your all."
  • "Karate is not about being better than someone else; it's about being better than you were yesterday."
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