RELAXATION - You must relax the muscles that you are stretching. You cannot stretch a tensed or contracted muscle; it must be relaxed. A good way to warm up the muscles with out too much physical exertion is to have a hot bath. This helps to relax the body and warm the muscles.

MYOPHASIC REFLEX- Muscles have sensors, which check, for changes in muscle length. For example, when you kick, the muscle changes length very rapidly. This activates the myophasic reflex which means that the muscle contracts hard. This myophasic reflex will prevent you from stretching successfully. Stretching and bouncing will cause the myophasic reflex to be activated. (This is called the ballistic stretch). To avoid activating the myophasic reflex, stretching must be done slowly. The myophasic reflex helps to prevent injury and gives you an indication of when stop. No pain, No Gain? When it comes to stretching pain is your brain telling you its time to stop. So do not over stretch.  

SAFETY- Stretching exercises must be done under careful control; you must not overload the muscles being stretched. In other words, the position you are in while stretching must be safe, with no chance of slipping or falling, or else you can unconsciously tense or tear the muscle.


Finally, remember that kicking correctly is the ultimate stretch. Nothing will stretch your body as completely as a kick. The leverage, force, and relaxation inherent in kicking exercises will increase your flexibility dynamically. Also, a kick is extremely specific in the muscle groups and fibers, which it stretches. So after you have warmed up do your hand and leg techniques slowly at various heights and with no tension or force. After you have done 20 to 30 increase the speed and power of the technique. This will help increase dynamic flexibility but too truly increase mobility, dynamic and static movements must be done.

Remember the 48-72 hour rule- Don’t` kick hard one day and stretch hard the very next day. Stretch and kick the same day; or, kick on day one, rest on day two, stretch on day three. Good luck, be careful, and much success.

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